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SXSW Interactive Speaking Submission

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Having attended South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) conference the last 7 years, it’s with great excitement I’ve submitted a proposal to speak at this year’s event. The opportunity to speak at SXSW is open to everyone, and submissions are chosen in part by a voting process.

Anyone who wanted to pitch to speak had from June 29 – July 24 2015, to submit their proposal though the online Panel Picker portal. The submission required a description and video and had strict character counts on the description, title etc. Voting opens on the SXSW 2016 PanelPicker® community voting August 10 – September 4.

Pie chart: 30% staff, 30% public votes, 40% advisory board

Public Votes – 30%
Who knows what you want to see at SXSW better than you? Your input is very important in terms of shaping the look and feel of the 2016 event.

SXSW Advisory Board – 40%
A group of industry experts from around the world, the SXSW Advisory Board provides significant feedback on all submissions.

SXSW Staff – 30%
With years of experience programming this event, SXSW staff weighs in with feedback and work to fill any gaps in subject matter, strike a balance between new and veteran speakers.

So you may be asking – what did I submit? I decided to focus on a subject that I’m passionate about, and a topic within that subject matter I’d like to learn and share more about. Specifically, my pitch is around the future of Social Listening, and how it’s evolving to become more localized to language, platform, and content.

vote for Jackie Cuyvers

Title: “Good crack”: context matters in Social Listening


Global social conversations are shifting from text to emojis and image shares. Text-based conversations are moving away from English to local languages interspersed with text-speak. As a result, Social Listening needs to become more nuanced to be able to identify, understand and derive meaningful insights. Being able to analyze these new sources of online content, including visuals, means needing to understand where people are posting and what that really means within the local market. Context and content matters more than ever before. Text analytics alone will no longer help you understand online conversations. How do you really prepare for this shift? Are you ready for this change?


  • What “visual” Social Listening tools are available and how can you use them to complement and enhance traditional text-based social listening?
  • How can you use location data from geotags and wearables to enhance the Social Listening accuracy and analysis by incorporating locational context?
  • Can we rely on tools to improve efficiency in global Social Listening when there is such nuance in language in slang, humor and cultural context?

Please vote now to help get me onstage at SXSW: click here to vote
